16 silakKipat

Dialogue: Weekend plans

SulâkKen vogiup nâningani?SulâkKen vogiup nâningani? What are you doing this weekend?
Aullâsimaviganut ainiakKunga.Aullâsimaviganut ainiakKunga. I am going to my cabin.
Aso? Piugijân taikani?Aso? Piugijân taikani? Oh yeah? Do you like it there?
Â, âhammagik, piugitsuajaga.Âh âhammagik, piugitsuajaga. Yes indeed, I really like it there.
SuKattaKen taikani? SuKattaKen taikani?What do you do out there?
Aulasagiagiamik piutsavunga.Aulasagiagiamik piutsavunga. I like to go fishing.


What will you be doing? (tomorrow or father in the future)
if the weather is good
if it snows
walks (she/he...)
boating (he/she is...)
all day
vogiup nâninga
in that spot there
up there (general area)
up there in that spot
up to that general area
up to that spot
here in this spot
here, in this area
down there (general area)
down there in that spot
down to that spot
down to that general area
by snowmobile


32 » If and when...

Inuktut has a series of endings to talk about events that have not yet happened:

UKâlaguvit, Kailangajunga.
if / when you call, I will come.


Depending on the context, these endings can be translated in English as "when something happens..." or "if something happens..."


You will notice that these endings are very similar to those used to express the idea of because/when:

uKâlak - to call someone on the phone

uKâlaguma if/when I call
uKâlaguvit if/when you call
uKâlaguni / uKâlappat * if/when he/she calls
uKâlagunnuk if/when the two of us call
uKâlagutta if/when we (3+) call
uKâlagutsik if/when two of you call
uKâlagutsi if/when you (3+) call
uKâlagutik / uKâlappatik * if/when they (2) call
uKâlagutik / uKâlappata * if/when they (3+) call

* -guni, and -gutik can only be used when the subject of the verb they are attached to is the same person who is the subject of the verb in the main sentence:

Peta piujiguni, nigitsianiattuk.
If Peter gets a seal, he (Peter) will eat well.

If there is a change in who you are speaking about in the sentence, the endings -ppat, -ppatik or -ppata must be used.

Peta piujippat, nigitsianiakKugut.
If Petrer gets a seal, we will eat well.

All of the above endings can also be used to express the idea in English of 'when something will happen.'

In this sense, these endings describe an event that is anticipated in the future. Compare these two sentences:

Aullagutta sininiattut. When we depart they will be sleeping (the action of departing has not yet happened).
Aullagatta sinikKaujut. When we departed they were sleeping (the action of departing has already happened).

33 » Locations

Inuktut speakers are precise when talking about where things are located.  There is a long list of locations to master.  The first thing to remember is that there are different workds to indicate a person or objects is in a specific spot versus a general area:

uvani (right) here
mâni in this area
ikani over there (specific spot)
avani over there (general area)
pikani up there (specific spot)
pâni up there (general area)
kanani down there (specific spot)
unani down there (general area)

There are no set rules that will help you to decide when to use one term over the other. A lot depends on context. For example, both uvani / mâni could refer to very large areas:

uvani right here (in Iqaluit)
mâni here (in Nunavut)

or they could each refer to much smaller spaces:

uvani right here in this spot
mâni in this building

 The best advice is to learn these terms as pairs and then listen carefully to fluent speakers to hear how they are used in coversation.

2. These locational words will often be heard with the prefix ta- which indicates that a location has already been mentioned or implied in the conversation:

basic form with ta-prefix English equivalent
uvani tapvani right here
mâni tamâni around here
ikani taikani over there (specific spot)
avani vani over there (general area)
pikani tapikani up there (specific spot)
pâni tapâni up there (general area)
kanani takanani down there (specific spot)
unani taunani down there (general area)


3. Note that all of the terms in the table above end with the affix -ni , meaning that the person/object described is in or at a place.

To talk about motion towards a specific spot we replace the -ni ending with -unga:

towards a location English equivalent
tapvunga to here (specific spot)
tamaunga to here (more general area)
tâvunga to there (specific spot)
taikunga to there (more general area)
tappikunga up to there (specific spot)
tappaunga up there (general area)
takanunga down to there (specific spot)
taununga down to there (more general area)


4. If we replace the ending with -anngat, we can talk about motion away from a place:.

away from a location English equivalent
tapvanngat from here (specific spot)
tamânngat from here (more general area)
tâvanngat from there (specific spot)
taikanngat from there (more general area)
tappikanngat from to there (specific spot)
tappânngat from there (general area)
takananngat from down there (specific spot)
taunanngat from down there (more general area)


5. And, if we replace the ending with -(u)una, we can talk about motion through a space:

through a location English equivalent
tapvona from here (specific spot)
tamauna from here (more general area)
tâvona from there (specific spot)
taikona from there (more general area)
tappikona from to there (specific spot)
tappauna from there (general area)
takanona from down there (specific spot)
taunona from down there (more general area)