Grammar » 17 » The Plural

In Inuktut, the plural is used to talk about three or more of any noun:
inuk person
inok two people 
inuit  people (3+)

Note how the -it ending deletes the final -k sound of the singular form of the noun:

itsivautak chair
itsivautait chairs (3+)

If the last vowel sound in the singular form of a noun is -i, the plural ending turns it into a long i (e) sound followed by -t:

angutik man
angutet men (3+)
titigutik pen
titigutet pen (3+)

If the last vowel sound in the singular form of a noun is a long vowel or a vowel combination, the plural ending is just -t :

ukuak door
ukuat doors (3+)
sâk table
t tables (3+)